Hello Reader! You are probably here for a reason and after a long search for the right direction. First of all we have to understand that Autism is not a disease but a medical condition that can be attended with alternative healing methods. There is an ocean of reasons for one to be diagnosed with Autism but most of all we need to be supportive towards whoever is dealing with it and understand the fact that you have been blessed to take care of someone who is Autistic.
Taking care of the child from pregnancy is the best way of protecting or staying way from Autism yet it is not possible at all times as the external reason that are un-controllable.
These healing methods have helped thousands of patients’ get better with-out any side effects and has been approved by the Professional Standards Authority as well as a part of Complementary Medical Association. If you’re concerned about someone’s health, do not hesitate to call your doctor next door, Dr.Sathish Muthulingam who is a pioneer in Alternative Healing Methods for more than 20 years of period.
Few Consistent Symptoms of Autism
- Hyperactivity (very active)
- Impulsivity
- Short attention span
- Aggression
- Causing self injury
- Meltdowns
- Unusual eating and sleeping habits
- Unusual mood or emotional reactions without a reason
- Lack of fear or more fear than expected
- Constipation or irregular bowl moments
Now above are the symptoms that are observed often and there are much more according to various ages, living situation and other external problems. You have to approach the right person who understands and can help you towards having a better life involving all that you are going through.
At Bodi Clinic we apply Alternative Healing Methods like,
- Isopathy
- Classical Hemeopathy
- Homeopathic Bowel Nosodes
- Biochemical Tissue Salts
- Food as Medicine
- Nutritional Support
- Change in Life Style
Ring us or just drop us an email.